developing age and tastebuds

I somewhat overcame my dislike towards oatmeal.

Isn't it crazy? It only took one meal to change my perception. It got me into thinking how my food palate has changed over the years. I used to not like yogurt, tofu, oatmeal and etc but over the years, I will randomly thought "maybe it's a about time I give this food another go" and usually - my perception of the food will change. 

In a way, I feel like I should put this perspective into other aspects of my life as well. Food, when being prepared right is going to taste good. Life when approached differently.. can be good? I don't know where am I going. 



When I look back into the past and where I am now, I am grateful for the things I have to endure, learn or relearn and experience - I am here. 

I think I am more open to pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I have so much to learn. Although the though of starting too late at the age of 25 always scares me, there is so much more in this world for me to learn and experience. 

I love that I gained this mindset. I hope whenever I have hard times, I can read this back and think of it as my way of growing. 

For future vv.

does having resolution still applies to me

 2023 is a time for a career change. 

I know. The girl who has her heart set on a baking career is changing career?! One of the reason why, I feel like it's my comfortable zone (baking). I need to step out more and evolve as a person and career wise. I could not guarantee this will work out but I want to at least give it a try rather than wondering on what ifs. 

I was fortunate enough to be able to volunteer at an event space where I hold so many memories. I saw it online first during pandemic, made a mental note to visit whenever they're open to the public. Art in The City 2021 happened just right after the border opened. I had my first date there, it was for a bamboo art installation. Ever since, the place had a special place in my heart. 

I volunteered for their monthly artist' market. I've made several friends there and met so many of the artists I follow on social media, in real life. It feels surreal to be able to talk to them. My curiosity wanted to be apart of them, organising, supporting the local art scene and maybe I want to be in the creative industry (even though, I am not so creative) 

But I wouldn't deny that I am still doubting myself as I type this. I haven't made the exact pinpoint on when I will execute my plan. I hope one day I can just bite the bullet and face the music. Until then, I'll update you more.


